Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just because....

We want, we need, we forgot, we forgive, we go back, we love, we hate, we love again... we always want something and we always feel something.... sometimes i ask myself why me why this why that blah blah blah we search and search and search in all the wrong places we waste so much time and waste emotions on things that just are meaningless and worthless and most the time by doing this we hurt the people that with or without us knowing at the moment mean the world to us....

stop searching and looking around and look right in front of you what you been searching for is right in front of you.... what you think isn't there anymore is still there and what you think is gone if you just look hard is still there.... faith is stronger then anything in the world... love brings peace and peace brings happiness and happiness bring enjoyment and enjoyment bring fulfillment and complication....

- Juan C.

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