Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just because....

We want, we need, we forgot, we forgive, we go back, we love, we hate, we love again... we always want something and we always feel something.... sometimes i ask myself why me why this why that blah blah blah we search and search and search in all the wrong places we waste so much time and waste emotions on things that just are meaningless and worthless and most the time by doing this we hurt the people that with or without us knowing at the moment mean the world to us....

stop searching and looking around and look right in front of you what you been searching for is right in front of you.... what you think isn't there anymore is still there and what you think is gone if you just look hard is still there.... faith is stronger then anything in the world... love brings peace and peace brings happiness and happiness bring enjoyment and enjoyment bring fulfillment and complication....

- Juan C.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

To The Top.....

Im the top of the top , but still i climb

Give thanks

In L.A Until Thursday Then Back To Fla..

''...Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow...''

Monday, December 7, 2009

Here are 10 ways on how to be a better boyfriend

How to Be a Good Boyfriend

Just like being good at your job requires training and effort, so does being a good boyfriend. Don't expect it to come naturally. Every relationship is different, and there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach, so this article will focus on principles that most people would agree are good relationship-builders.

1. Be honest. In a mature relationship, honesty is by far the best policy. It may be difficult, but the truth will allow relationships to breathe. It is tough but no matter what happens, no one can ever challenge the fact that you are truthful, which might mean that the other person also gives you the same respect. If something doesn't suit them let them know, otherwise they will not trust your opinion. But make it sound like a compliment. Suggest an alternative, and attach praise to the alternative. For example, if they ask you if you like something they are trying on (trying on, not already wearing at a party!) let them know that it might work, but you think the blue one is your favourite so far because it shows off their great (insert a feature you appreciate, preferably not one that they are self-conscious about). It's not going to be easy to be honest and kind at the same time, so focus on learning how to give a feedback sandwich and you'll both be better off.

2. Don't brush them off. People often find it exasperating when they get the feeling their partner treats them as an inferior in a relationship. Women are no exception. A lot of people have been taught that the only way to get attention when their partner is trying to ignore them is to act more emotional and be louder until the partner finally surrenders and pays attention to her, even if in annoyance. If people feel they're being given the cold treatment by people who are supposed to be important to them, they get worried. Especially when it happens without you giving an explanation for why this disturbance has occurred. People aren't mind readers. Your mate is not likely to be able to guess that you're cranky just because they wouldn't let you do something that they felt was very trivial, whereas you found it important. If you know that your mood might lead you to overreact, simply say "I'm feeling really irritated right now. Can we talk about this later after I cool off a bit?" (Don't forget to follow through and actually give her your time later.)

3. Communicate. Do not talk their ear off, however make sure that if you have any problems that will affect your mood, they are made aware of the reasons for your problems and mood, so that you do not appear to merely be a fickle and cranky creature. Zone out of everything around you when you're talking to them. If you ask them a question, ask them because you really want to know. For example, ask them what type of movies they enjoy, or about one of her favourites. If you know it, talk about it a little bit in an honest way, what you thought of it, and make a guess at why they might have liked it. Even if you are wrong, your mate will usually love the fact that you are interested enough to try. Remember, the opposite of talking is not waiting, it's listening. Make sure you're actually listening, not just waiting for your turn to talk. Put off a vibe that tells them that they can tell you anything. Make them feel safe.

4. Make physical contact. Girls have much thinner skin than guys, so even a light touch is appreciated. If your girl is a romantic, upon seeing her for the first time in a couple of days, say, "I missed you so much..." and weave your arms around her hips then give her a loving hug. Don't make it last too long! A hug in public can last anywhere from 5 seconds, to a minute or two. If you have been together with your girlfriend for longer, and have kissed before, feel free to also give light kissed on her lips /cheeks / forehead/neck just to show that you really appreciate her presence. Make sure to do it in private...unless you're both ok with PDA!

5. Give gifts as a surprise. Anyone can buy a gift for a birthday, Christmas or an anniversary. Listen to them when you are out window shopping, and if there is something they like, and it's within your price range, remember it and surprise them with it when they least expect it, for no reason at all. Or pick something up on your way home from work, and tell them you were thinking of them when you saw it. It doesn't have to be big or expensive--a book you know they will like, or a CD of their favourite band are nice gestures. As Sean Connery says, "The way to a woman's heart is through an unexpected gift at an unexpected time."

6. Mix things up. Go to a new restaurant, try a new nightclub or go to a new part of town. Even if you both end up hating it, it's an experience you can share and that's what it's all about isn't it? Creating memories together. Surprise them by doing something offbeat--think less maudlin and more personal. This includes anything from racing them to your walking destination, dancing without music, or even bringing them a tub of LEGO and encouraging their immediate use. You two should grow to be comfortable with each other, and do things together without self-consciousness. Ideally, they should never feel stupid around you for wanting or doing a particular thing. Step out of your comfort zone. Sometimes, in order to get things going, you need to be the one to step out of the comfort zone.

7. Compliment them sincerely. Find something particular and compliment them on it, but mean it. Don't just say, "You look nice". Say "That really makes your eyes flash", "Your hair cut really suits the shape of your face" or "That makes me want to kiss your neck" ...and then kiss their neck! The more specific you are, the more unique and appreciative the compliment.

8. Let your partner be. Just because she is your significant other, doesn't mean she is yours, implying any kind of ownership. You can't keep this person all to yourself. You might get jealous if they talk to someone else, but if you trust them and are good to them, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. If their actions do make you feel uncomfortable, sit down and talk, again using nonviolent communication. Same goes for how they dress and look. They may not always feel like spending an hour plucking, tweezing, clipping this, applying that. Make sure they know they can relax and be themselves with you. Don't make them feel like they always have to look like a celestial being. If they're letting themselves go, so to speak, bring it up in a gentle and helpful way, like "What ever happened to your red lipstick? You have gorgeous lips, and I love it when you highlight them once in a while. It looks amazing."

9. Take care of yourself. Don't be needy or dependent. Nothing scares someone away faster than someone they constantly need to remind to do laundry, take a shower, or get to work on time. Be hygienic and neat, set goals, and work hard. You can't be a good boyfriend if you're not a good person.

10. Be yourself. Don't try to be somebody you're not because at the end of the day, if they love you they will love you for who you are.
''..I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today..''

Event At B&B Lounge