Friday, January 22, 2010

Just so you know....

I get my energy from my inner Gee / I be in outer space, but I got inner peace / So tell my enemies that they can’t injure me / I know that irritates, yall have my sympathies ;-)

- Juan C. / Lupe F.

Monday, January 4, 2010


''...Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is way great spiritual giants are produced...''

- Juan C.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Let downs and disappointments

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of ur dream, and how you handle disappointment along the way...

Missing :-/

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated.

2010 is here !!!

In 2009 I Felt Pain, I Loved, I Smiled, I Cried, I did a lot of things I wish I didn't do and went thought things I wish I didn't have too but I did and guess what? I'm still breathing I'm still alive... 2010 is here and I'm determined to make all my dreams become reality...

Sometimes in order to win you have to lose...

Heartaches and headaches is something I wish upon no one but yet it feels like most of last year that's all I was feeling lol funny how you can be so close to someone and be so far at the same time... Have so much love for someone and that same person hurts you more then ever smh I don't know what the future holds and I really don't care any more... Day by day min. by min. time to get back to my old way of thinking because sometimes new isn't really all that good if the new isn't really you...

As I tell myself I'm going to tell you hold your head up high... Fight for what you want, have faith in your dreams, have faith in yourself, shoot for the stars, do what make's you happy, love as you never been hurt before, care as if you were to die tmr, live your today's for today's and your tomorrows for tomorrows, have the strength to not give up and try, giving up is easy but making it when everyone around you think your gonna fale is the best thing anyone can do, do the right things at all time's because no matter what if your on the right path all right and good things will come your way just like if your not on the right path all wrong and bad things will come your way, But what is right and what is wrong ?!?! You have to be the judge... Judge yourself before judging others... Live the life you all ways wanted to live... Don't give up on the things you know deep down inside are the right things for you... Don't give up on anything or anyone you cant go a whole day without thinking about... The future is now, 2010 is now, make your way to the top now no more waiting around make your dreams come true...

- Juan C.

Writing makes me feel better I just wanted to take this time out to thank you... Also to remind the haters Juan C. doesn't care what you think I'm on top of the top and still I climb ;-) Good things come to those who do the right things. To my friends and family I hope everyone has a bless year don't let anything or anyone hold you back from what you can and will become it's never to late to become what you could have been... keep trying the future is yours :-)